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Directories (1)
Name# Files

Archives (269)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
0001.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0004.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
0004.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
0006.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0008.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 954KB 1997-09-05
0012.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 719KB 1997-09-05
0014.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 920KB 1997-09-05
0022.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 737KB 1997-09-05
0024.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 488KB 1997-09-05
0026.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0028.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0030.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 775KB 1997-09-05
0034.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 557KB 1997-09-05
0036.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 886KB 1997-09-05
0038.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 950KB 1997-09-05
0040.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0040.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0044.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 696KB 1997-09-05
0046.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 526KB 1997-09-05
0049.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0050.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 623KB 1997-09-05
0052.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0052.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0054.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 894KB 1997-09-05
0058.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 654KB 1997-09-05
0060.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 611KB 1997-09-05
0066.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0068.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 544KB 1997-09-05
0072.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 767KB 1997-09-05
0074.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 865KB 1997-09-05
0076.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0076.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0078.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 670KB 1997-09-05
0081.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0082.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 916KB 1997-09-05
0086.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0088.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 999KB 1997-09-05
0090.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 882KB 1997-09-05
0092.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
0092.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
0094.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 802KB 1997-09-05
0097.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0098.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0100.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 557KB 1997-09-05
0102.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0106.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 944KB 1997-09-05
0108.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0108.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0110.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 844KB 1997-09-05
0113.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0114.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 708KB 1997-09-05
0116.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 965KB 1997-09-05
0118.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0122.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 905KB 1997-09-05
0124.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
0124.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
0126.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 955KB 1997-09-05
0129.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0130.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0131.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0132.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 991KB 1997-09-05
0134.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0136.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0136.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0138.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 964KB 1997-09-05
0140.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 667KB 1997-09-05
0142.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 892KB 1997-09-05
0146.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 773KB 1997-09-05
0148.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 718KB 1997-09-05
0150.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0154.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0156.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 730KB 1997-09-05
0158.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0161.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0162.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 889KB 1997-09-05
0164.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 886KB 1997-09-05
0166.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 861KB 1997-09-05
0168.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0170.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0170.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0172.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0174.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 759KB 1997-09-05
0178.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 839KB 1997-09-05
0182.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 608KB 1997-09-05
0184.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 641KB 1997-09-05
0186.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 819KB 1997-09-05
0188.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0190.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
0190.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 5MB 1997-09-05
0193.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0194.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 691KB 1997-09-05
0196.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 935KB 1997-09-05
0198.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0200.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 905KB 1997-09-05
0200.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0201.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 611KB 1997-09-05
0204.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 682KB 1997-09-05
0206.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
0206.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0207.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 953KB 1997-09-05
0209.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 183KB 1997-09-05
0210.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0214.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0216.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0220.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 878KB 1997-09-05
0222.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 811KB 1997-09-05
0225.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0226.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 937KB 1997-09-05
0230.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0232.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0232.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 6MB 1997-09-05
0234.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 578KB 1997-09-05
0236.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 901KB 1997-09-05
0238.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 983KB 1997-09-05
0242.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 743KB 1997-09-05
0244.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0246.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 415KB 1997-09-05
0248.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 780KB 1997-09-05
0250.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 836KB 1997-09-05
0252.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0252.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0254.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 918KB 1997-09-05
0256.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 817KB 1997-09-05
0257.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 184KB 1997-09-05
0258.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 710KB 1997-09-05
0260.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 987KB 1997-09-05
0264.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 807KB 1997-09-05
0266.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
0266.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0268.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
0268.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 3MB 1997-09-05
0270.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0272.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0273.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0274.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 776KB 1997-09-05
0276.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0278.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 626KB 1997-09-05
0280.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 472KB 1997-09-05
0282.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0284.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 760KB 1997-09-05
0286.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0288.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 888KB 1997-09-05
0290.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 898KB 1997-09-05
0292.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 657KB 1997-09-05
0294.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
0294.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0296.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 991KB 1997-09-05
0298.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 620KB 1997-09-05
0300.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 887KB 1997-09-05
0302.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0305.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 176KB 1997-09-05
0306.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 935KB 1997-09-05
0308.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 630KB 1997-09-05
0310.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0314.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 960KB 1997-09-05
0316.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0316.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0317.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 709KB 1997-09-05
0318.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 950KB 1997-09-05
0321.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0324.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 947KB 1997-09-05
0326.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 539KB 1997-09-05
0328.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0330.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0332.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0332.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 5MB 1997-09-05
0334.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0334.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0337.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 147KB 1997-09-05
0338.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0342.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 958KB 1997-09-05
0344.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 786KB 1997-09-05
0346.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 873KB 1997-09-05
0348.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0350.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 942KB 1997-09-05
0352.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0353.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 184KB 1997-09-05
0354.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0354.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 5MB 1997-09-05
0355.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 615KB 1997-09-05
0356.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0358.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 721KB 1997-09-05
0360.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 763KB 1997-09-05
0362.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 995KB 1997-09-05
0364.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0366.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0368.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 985KB 1997-09-05
0369.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0370.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0372.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 914KB 1997-09-05
0374.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 599KB 1997-09-05
0376.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 780KB 1997-09-05
0378.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 897KB 1997-09-05
0380.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 1MB 1997-09-05
0380.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
0382.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 799KB 1997-09-05
0384.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 838KB 1997-09-05
0385.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 176KB 1997-09-05
0386.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 823KB 1997-09-05
0386.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
0387.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 890KB 1997-09-05
0388.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 747KB 1997-09-05
0390.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 871KB 1997-09-05
0392.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 877KB 1997-09-05
0394.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 701KB 1997-09-05
0396.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 737KB 1997-09-05
0398.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 826KB 1997-09-05
0400.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 659KB 1997-09-05
0402.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 605KB 1997-09-05
0404.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
0404.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0405.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 616KB 1997-09-05
0406.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0408.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0408.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0410.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 552KB 1997-09-05
0414.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0418.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 903KB 1997-09-05
0422.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0424.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 539KB 1997-09-05
0426.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 651KB 1997-09-05
0428.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0430.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 834KB 1997-09-05
0449.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 174KB 1997-09-05
0450.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 980KB 1997-09-05
0452.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0454.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0456.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 922KB 1997-09-05
0458.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 656KB 1997-09-05
0460.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
0460.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0461.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 735KB 1997-09-05
0462.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 797KB 1997-09-05
0497.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 185KB 1997-09-05
0498.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 821KB 1997-09-05
0500.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0502.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 600KB 1997-09-05
0504.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 523KB 1997-09-05
0506.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0508.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 703KB 1997-09-05
0529.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 186KB 1997-09-05
0530.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0530.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 3MB 1997-09-05
0531.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 837KB 1997-09-05
0532.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0534.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 619KB 1997-09-05
0536.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0540.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0544.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 441KB 1997-09-05
0546.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 827KB 1997-09-05
0548.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
0548.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 4MB 1997-09-05
0550.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
0554.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 880KB 1997-09-05
0556.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 618KB 1997-09-05
0558.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 788KB 1997-09-05
4000.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
4001.int Microsoft Compound Document 2 242KB 1997-09-05
4002.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
4004.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 706KB 1997-09-05
4006.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 961KB 1997-09-05
4008.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 734KB 1997-09-05
4010.dpg Microsoft Compound Document 9 1MB 1997-09-05
5000.mi Microsoft Compound Document 4 2MB 1997-09-05
5000.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 4 4MB 1997-09-05
5002.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 865KB 1997-09-05
5002.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05
5004.mi Microsoft Compound Document 5 1MB 1997-09-05
5004.mi2 Microsoft Compound Document 5 2MB 1997-09-05

Images (8)

Audio & Music (1)
S7.wav Waveform Audio File Format 1m26s 8MB 1997-08-14

Videos (1)


Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTORUN.INF Windows Autorun File 3 30b 1997-06-30
DISK1.ID Text File 2 3b 1995-05-01

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
AutoPlay.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4 173KB 1997-08-06